Transparency Report
In order to give full transparency to our community we have created this report.
Gamerse Transparency report
$LFG Token overview
TGE: 28th of October, 2021 Max Supply (Tokens Minted): 1,000,000,000 LFG Total Supply (Currently existing): 999,956,774 $LFG Vesting Contract: 0x5C65dd9eB45bf0d25D3Eb3ed4479378ddD6F4716
Token Distribution
Public Sale wallets (Launchpads) IDO 1 0xb6ef487fe9cb571791f443c9438e38d70da47c8a IDO 2 0xdcf3920539d9521a0ad01eeea390739e36934dd8 IDO 3 0x103db4074aedf21152258f84049ed2275e2fc9ad IDO 4 0xfd1595ff634102678ebff521f8396c09348760ce Status: The following contract addresses are locked with vesting as public sale found on our tokenomics (
Treasury Wallets Multi-sig wallet (owners) : 0xbea6Eaa4D05A9324fE19f7bDD48ec5BaD3895fFC
Eco-system expansion: 0x3896A1d01C7daD91a4aFfe9fc139e4DE8820bf5E
Marketing/Partnerships: 0x7A4cB7d7739f40db9aEAa09865401426c41316e7 Status: The following wallets are from the pools stated above and we only have eco-system and marketing as part of the treasury wallets in circulation.
PancakeSwap Liquidity pool
Contract: 0x09d8b87f125b1EDA9c5A76dB39322c5E3BCb9fC2
Status: Dex liquidity on PancakeSwap has been locked for a duration of 6-months in a timelock contract.
Reward wallets
LP contract: 0xbca391d5d462d4b326769001c61be78bd597fea0 Status: LP pool for LFG-BUSD is a 60-day pool and the pool ends on Feb 20th 2022. Link for LP staking: Custody Wallet (Burn Tokens) Wallet: 0xd1DED8e429cC944e8a14cFcc1ed9286BE3E856E7 SAS Wallet: 0xbea6Eaa4D05A9324fE19f7bDD48ec5BaD3895fFC
Last updated
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